Dissertation Council

The Dissertation Council Д 208.093.01 was established at the State Institution "The Sankt-Petersburg V.M. Bekhterev Psychoneurological Research Institute, Federal Agency for Public Health and Social Development" in compliance with the order of the Presidium of the Higher Certifying Commission of the Ministry of Education of Russia, No. 127-дс of February 04, 2005, for the period of validity of the nomenclature of specialities of scientific workers.

The Dissertation Council is allowed to accept for defense theses in the following specalities:

  • 14.00.18 "Psychiatry" - Medical Sciences;
  • 14.00.45 "Narcology" - Medical Sciences;
  • 19.00.04 "Medical Psychology" - Medical Sciences.




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Программа лечения психогенного переедания и избыточного веса
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