Рус /Eng

V.M. Bekhterev Review of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology

A scientific practical peer-reviewed journal
Founded in 1896 by V.M. Bekhterev

General information
The journal was founded in 1896 by Academician V.M.Bekhterev. In 1927, it was named after V.M.Bekhterev. After V.M.Bekhterev’s death, the publication of the journal was suspended until 1990, when the State Committee for Press of the USSR made the decision to resume publication (Registration Certificate # 988 of 23.11.1990). The journal is intended for specialists in the field of psychiatry, psychotherapy and medical psychology.

The journal publishes the papers of the leading Russian and international specialists. The journal is included in the List of the leading scientific peer-reviewed periodicals, which are designed to publish the basic scientific results of Candidate-of-Science and Doctor-of-Science dissertations.

The promoter of the journal is the Federal State Budgetary Institution “St.Petersburg V.M.Bekhterev Psychoneurological Research Institute” of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation.

Registration Certificate: ПИ № ФС 77-48985 of the State Committee for Press of the Russian Federation.

ISSN 2313-7053

Subscription index 70232 in the Rospechat Agency.

Publication frequency: 4 issues yearly.

Main sections

  • Topical articles
  • Scientific reviews
  • Scientific research
  • Discussion club
  • Guidelines for medical practitioners
  • Psychiatric newspaper
  • Brief information


Deputy Chief Editor 

  • E.M. Krupitsky (Saint-Petersburg)
  • V. A. Mikhailov (Saint-Petersburg)

Editorial board

  • A.V. Vasileva (Saint-Petersburg)
  • L.N. Gorobets (Saint-Petersburg)
  • T.A. Karavaeva (Saint-Petersburg)
  • V.L. Kozlovskiy (Saint-Petersburg)
  • A.P. Kotsubinsky (Saint-Petersburg)
  • A.O. Kibitov (Moscow)
  • G.E. Mazo (Saint-Petersburg)
  • I.V. Makarov (executive secretary) (Saint-Petersburg)
  • A.B. Shmukler (Moscow)
  • O.Yu. Shchelkova (Saint-Petersburg)

Editorial council

  • Yu.A. Alexandrovsky (Moscow)
  • C.A. Altynbekov ( Almaty)
  • M. Ammon (Berlin)
  • N.A. Bohan (Tomsk)
  • L.I. Wasserman (Saint-Petersburg)
  • V.D. Vid (Saint-Petersburg)
  • A.Yu. Egorov (Saint-Petersburg)
  • S.N. Enikolopov (Moscow)
  • H. Kassinove (New York)
  • V.N. Krasnov (Moscow)
  • O.V. Limankin (Saint-Petersburg)
  • N.B. Lutova (Saint-Petersburg)
  • V.V. Makarov (Moscow)
  • P.V. Morozov (Moscow)
  • N.N. Petrova (Saint-Petersburg)
  • Yu.V. Popov (Saint-Petersburg)
  • P.I. Sidorov (Arkhangelsk)
  • A.G. Sofronov (Saint-Petersburg)
  • E.V. Snedkov (Saint-Petersburg)
  • S. Tiano (Tel-Aviv)
  • A.S. Tiganov (Moscow)
  • B.D. Tsygankov (Moscow)
  • S.V. Tsytsarev (New York)
  • E. Chkonia ( Tbilisi)
  • A.V. Shaboltas (Saint-Petersburg)
  • V.K. Shamrej (Saint-Petersburg)
  • V.M. Shklovsky (Moscow)
  • E.G. Eidemiller (Saint-Petersburg)
  • K.K. Yakhin (Kazan)

Guidelines for authors

General requirements

  • Manuscripts submitted for consideration must comply with the thematic rubrics of the journal (psychiatry, psychotherapy, medical psychology and addiction psychiatry) and meet the present publications requirements. All submitted materials will undergo peer review. Manuscripts already published or submitted for publication elsewhere will not be accepted. The printed copies of manuscripts should contain the signatures of all authors.
  • The last page of the manuscript should present the following information:
    • Authors’ full names,
    • Authors’ scientific degrees and titles (if applicable),
    • Authors’ positions and institutional affiliations,
    • Authors’ e-mail addresses.
  • Manuscripts should be written in Russian (or English – by international contributors) and be submitted as a printed copy and in electronic format on compact discs or flash memory cards. Text format:
    • A4 paper size,
    • 1.5 line spacing,
    • Times New Roman 12 pt font,
    • Automatic hyphenation,
    • Width alignment
    • Margins: left 30 mm, right 10 mm, top/bottom 20 mm,
    • Page numbering: bottom-right corner.
  • Authors should also submit abstracts in Russian and English. International contributor should submit their abstracts in English. The length of abstracts should not exceed ½ of the page size. Abstracts should include the authors’ names, institutions’ names, brief summaries of the results obtained and key words to the manuscript.
  • Manuscripts, tables, figures (diagrams), authors information, and abstracts should be submitted as one file. The file name should consist of the first author’s name.
  • The author(s) of a manuscript in Russian should also submit the full text of the manuscript translated into English. The English-language version will be put on the website of the journal. In the English-language version of the bibliography list, references in Russian should be transliterated into Latin characters and followed by the “In Rus.” note. References in Latin-script languages should remain unchanged.

Manuscript layout

  • The title of the manuscript must be centered on the page and printed in bold type.
  • The initials and surnames of authors must be centered on the page and printed in bold type.
  • The institution name must be centered on the page and printed in italics. If the city name is not included in the institution name, it should be indicated specifically.
  • When co-authors represent more than one institution, the authors’ names should be marked by numbered footnotes or asterisks to specify their institutional affiliations.
  • Original research reports should include such structural sections as Introduction, Objectives (Purposes), Materials and Methods, Results (Discussion) and Conclusion. Theoretical, topical, discussion and review papers may have other structural sections. Brief reports should not contain structural sections and illustrations.
  • The manuscript text should be followed by a reference (bibliographical) list in accordance with the current GOST R 7.0.5-2008 requirement entitled “A bibliographical reference. General requirements and compilation guidelines”. References should be numbered and put in alphabetic order. References to unpublished papers are not permitted. If the references are numerous, they should be identified in the text by numerals in square brackets in accordance with the reference list order.

Tables, figures and diagrams

  • All tables should be arranged correctly and incorporated in the text. They should be numbered and entitled.
  • All figures (graphs and diagrams) should be numbered and entitled. They should neither duplicate the material of the tables nor be incorporated in the text.
  • Manuscripts should not be overburdened with tables, figures and graphs. These forms should be used only in cases when a maximally detailed presentation of information is absolutely necessary.

Other requirements

Manuscripts not meeting the present requirements will not be accepted for publication. In case of detecting technical, semantic or grammatical errors in the text, the editors reserve the right to make the scientific and literary editing of the manuscript or to return the manuscript to the author to make corrections or abridgements. The date of receipt of the final version of the text by the Editorial Board is regarded as the date of submission. The rejected manuscripts and other materials are not returned to the author. The author will be provided with a peer-review report. Editorial opinion may not coincide with the views of the authors. Manuscripts already published elsewhere will not be accepted. Post-graduate students are exempt from paying the publication fee. No royalties are payable to authors.

Manuscript length

Types of manuscripts

Number of printed characters (thousands)*

Number of references

Scientific reviews

up to 40

up to 70

Topical papers;
“discussion club” papers

up to 40

up to 25

Original research reports

up to 30

up to 20

Papers pertaining to other sections

up to 30

up to 10

Brief information

up to 12

up to 5

Reviews of monographs and manuals

up to 6


*The total numbers of characters should include the numbers of characters in abstracts, authors information, list of reference and tables. If the manuscript length exceeds the indicated maximal number of characters, the manuscript may be rejected.

Guidelines for peer reviewing

  1. All materials on relevant themes of the journal submitted to the Editors are subject to peer review.
  2. The Editorial Council forms a peer review body composed of Doctors of Sciences - the leading specialists in the field of psychiatry, psychotherapy and medical psychology at the St.Petersburg V.M.Bekhterev Psychoneurological Research Institute. These scientists, as a rule, are the members of the institute’s Academic and Dissertation Councils.
  3. All reviewers are acknowledges specialists in the fields relevant to the theme of the materials under review who have had their own publication on the theme of the manuscript under review over the last three years.
  4. The manuscript that meets all requirements and receives a positive peer review report of the Editorial Board members is included in the list of papers accepted for publication. If the peer review report indicates the need to make corrections, the Editors send the manuscript, the report and the recommendations to the author for revision. If the report recommends refraining from publishing the manuscript, reasons for rejecting the manuscript should be indicated. If the author disagrees with the opinion of the reviewer, the Editorial Board makes a decision either to send the manuscript to another reviewer or to have the manuscript reviewed by the Editorial Council under the direction of the Chairman of the Editorial Council.
  5. Peer review reports are kept at the publishing house and the editorial office for 5 years.
  6. Authors will receive the copies of peer review reports or a well-reasoned rejection. The Editors should without fail submit the copies of peer review reports to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation if requested.

Publication of manuscripts

Publication of manuscripts in the journal is free. The order of publication depends on the date of manuscript approval by the Editorial Council members. A manuscript submitted in Russian and English has publication priority.

Manuscripts should be submitted to the editorial office:

3 Bekhterev Street, St.Petersburg, Russia, 192019


I.V. Makarov, Executive Secretary of the journal “V.M.Bekhterev Review of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology”.

Electronic versions should be submitted to

Contact information:

Editor-in-Chief – Prof. Nikolay G. Neznanov

Tel.: +7(812) 670-02-11

Executive Secretary – I.V. Makarov

Tel. / fax: +7(812) 412-72-53


Publishing House "Ars Medenti"

St.Petersburg, Russia, 191119, P.B. 179


Tel. +7 921 939 4240

Editor-in-Chief – O.V. Ostrovskaya




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